2017年1月8日,以“听课2小时 发展快3年”为主题的张默闻中美联合商学院集团第一期课程在联合国人居奖唯一获得县、总书记提出“绿水青山就是金山银山”的“中国最美乡村”浙江安吉正式开课!这个被商界人士期待已久的实战型商学院终于正式启航。集团创始人、院长张默闻作为主讲导师为广大企业家现场答疑解惑、指点迷津。“听课2小时,发展快3年”的商学院核心能力受到了学员的广泛认可。
此次开课的《品牌崛起超级课程》是张默闻中美联合商学院集团面向广大商界精英诚意推出的第一堂课。它以市场为导向,以“新常态”为大背景,以企业家的所疑所惑为重点和突破口,依托张默闻二十年的实战经验和前瞻性思维,帮助企业家解决包括前期战略定位、中期品牌管理、整合传播以至后期营销执行等一揽子问题,真正让前来听课的企业家能够学有所得,学以致用,真正让企业家实现“听课2小时 发展快3年”的初衷。张默闻中美联合商学院集团第一期课程的成功举行标志着张默闻在助力中华民族品牌“顺势而兴”的道路上取得了又一个跨越式的发展,“超实战、接地气、高效率”的讲课风格更是树立了国内商学教育的新标杆!
商学院第一课落户安吉 张默闻大格局备受关注
对此,张默闻表示,创办商学院是他一生追求的梦想。从筹备商学院到今日正式开课已经整整三年。学院以“进攻是最好的防守”为院训,以“绝对忠诚”为核心价值,以帮助企业家真正实现“听课2小时 发展快3年”为目标,为中国商界精英提供高价值、实战级的企业整体战略解决方案,并特别设立企业传承高端课程,为中国企业的接班换代提供核心方法。
商学院新标识全球首秀 国际知名企业贺电齐发
对此喜讯,全球首屈一指的娱乐主题乐园领域老将、美国Landmark娱乐集团,美国东方生物技术有限公司AOBO,中国500强天能集团,樱雪集团,安吉茶产业集团,珍宝岛药业集团,山东翔龙集团,久诺集团等多家国内外知名企业纷纷对张默闻中美联合商学院集团的正式开课表示了热烈祝贺,相信张默闻商学院一定可以给中国企业家带来更加有效的实战营销指导,让他们真正实现“听课2小时 发展快3年”。据了解,部分企业家也悉数来到现场,成为商学院第一期学员。
张默闻开启品牌第一课 三大主题学员醍醐灌顶
在第一课《首富脑门上没刻字——从区域级老板做到国宝级老板的10步》中,他生动剖析了首富身上拥有的、常人无法企及的6大特色,并用真实案例详细解读从区域老板做到国宝级老板的10步,精辟独到的观点辅之实战经验讲解,获得在场学员的频频点头和沉思。面对当前中小企业多属家族制现状,他在《伴君不伴虎——在中国家族企业里成就伟业的绝对秘密》中表示中国家族企业一定要重视国学、重视民族商业情怀,如此方能保证品牌领军地位坚不可摧。而针对家族企业重重危机,他为我们深刻讲解职业经理人应如何玩转家族企业这盘棋,把家族企业所处的局限性分析到极致。这是一个新兴媒体和传统媒体融合发展的时代,任何一种品牌的发声,都需要策略出奇和创意致胜。张默闻在《杀人不见血 创意要诛心——中国品牌如何进行品牌创意打胜仗》课程中则指出,创意到底给谁看很重要,能卖货的广告创意更重要。因为创意的本身就是100%的和对手争夺营销成功的运动,对此,他以自身亲身经历为例,提出能卖货的广告创意10条经验。犀利见解叩响时代脉搏,热点频发击中学员心声。张氏的独门利器让现场每位学员如醍醐灌顶,拍手称赞。
实战接地气成最大亮点 含金量爆棚学员狂点赞
无论是来自于国内外各界营销精英的现身说法,还是现场学员给予的积极性评价,所有的事实和口碑都证明,张默闻中美联合商学院集团已成为一个闪闪发亮的重实战教营销的超一流品牌教育平台。第一期课程的顺利召开,预示着商学院真正扛起了“高效、实战”这面大旗。相信在2017年,以“听课2小时 发展快3年”著称的张默闻中美联合商学院集团定能培养出更多具有国际视野、运筹帷幄的商业领军人物,从而树立商学教育行业新标杆,引领国内商学教育行业新气象。
The Grand opening of ZMW China-US United Business Institutes
ZMW’s Combat Teaching Course are welcomed
January 8, 2017, ZMW China-US United Business Institutes held the first course the theme “lecture 2 hours, develop 3 years faster” in the beautiful Anji where is the only County got the UN Habitat award. We held the class at the “China prettiest village Anji “where General secretary proposed that “Beautiful scenery is the gold and silver mines”! The long-awaited business school has finally officially set sail. Group founder, President Mowen Zhang as the main supervisor answered the questions for entrepreneurs.” Lecture two hours, develop three-year faster” the ability of the core concept of the business school was fully recognized by students.
The business school class has got high attention from all life and social supports. The CPC Anji County Committee, propaganda minister Xuhua Chen; director of the Anji County media Bureau Zhongxin Peng;Anji County scenic and Tourism Management Committee Party Secretary, director Yongfeng Guan; Deputy Director of the Anji County Bureau Zhu Qingqing; President of the advertising culture group, Vice chairman of the creative star, President of Chinese Advertising Association, Vice President of business enterprise management association China Marketing Branch Hong Mu; China outside the mainstream media, the first brand of China high-speed AD, Yongda media Chairman Zhiqiang Zhou; China home appliances business association, Special Administrative Assistant Jing Zhao; vice president of QiLu TV Yong Wang; President of Zhenbao Island pharmaceutical, management expert Xiaodong Fang; executive vice president of Tianneng Group, vice president of Tianneng Power International Group, Tianneng Power International Group Marketing Management Center Director Jianzhong Zhou; Shandong Xianglong group chairman of the board of directors Yongjun Jie; Zhongshan city Yingxue Group general manager of marketing and management expert Yingsu Chen; Liangba group president Lingyun Chen; Anji tea industry group chairman Jian Wu; Jiunuo Group Chairman Zhipeng Wang; Shandong Morui Technology Co., Ltd. vice president Yunxiang Li and other guests come to this event for the opening of the first business course of ZMW China-US United Business Institutes. Moreover, more than 30 enterprises chairman and the president have also attracted to this class, in order to get the practical strategic thinking training and use the class to their own enterprises, achieve the double growth of brand and sales.
This is ZMW China-US United Business Institutes recommend to the majority of the business elite’s first class named < rise of super brand course>. It is introducing to the market as the guidance, to the "new normal" as the background, focus on the doubt and confuse by the entrepreneurs. The class bases on Mowen Zhang twenty years of practical experience and forward-looking thinking, main to help the entrepreneurs solve the problems including pre-medium-term strategic positioning, brand management, integrated communication and marketing executive package. A lecture for entrepreneurs to learn, which allows the enterprises achieve 2 hours of lectures for nearly 3 years the development of the mind. The first course of the ZMW China-US United Business Institutes was successfully held means Mowen Zhang helped the Chinese national brand based on the path to achieving a great leap forward development. Super combat, down to earth, high-efficiency teaching style is setting a new benchmark for the domestic business education!
The first class was in Anji
Mowen Zhang’s big pattern was concerned
Anji, from the <Book of Songs>, the name means safety is auspicious, Anji is Chinese first ecological county, and the movie <Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon>took place here. Beautiful scenery, the unique natural advantages and the economic environment attracted ZMW China-US United Business Institutes.
At the beginning of the class the CPC Anji County Committee, propaganda minister Xuhua Chen represented the county government of Anji made the opening speech. Xuhua Chen said, the vigorous development of the leisure tourism industry provides a good opportunity for the economic development of Anji. Based on two hills dream town as the representative of the economic platform, which attracted many entrepreneurs come. The operation of ZMW China-US United Business Institutes is great opportunities to provide a rapid accumulation of market experience, effectively enhance the entrepreneurial soft power, systematic training and valuable strategic thinking for the Anji venture entrepreneurs. For Anji, ZMW China-US United Business Institutes settled as a home business win-win platform.
Regard this, Mowen Zhang said to operate a business school is his dream which he wants to pursuit entire his life. From the preparatory school to officially commenced has been a full three years. The school motto is “attack is the best defense “and the core value is “absolute loyalty”, to help entrepreneurs realize" lecture 2 hours develop 3 years faster "as the goal. To provide high value for the Chinese business elite, the actual level of enterprise overall strategy solutions, and set up a special course for the succession of high-end business succession. To provide the core method of Chinese succession replacement business.
AD Men group president Hong Mu said, Mowen Zhang as the icon character who serviced a lot of well-known brands, she not only helped them got a lot of national brand Creative Award, but the most important thing is to help them to achieve rapid promotion and brand sales development. She pointed out that in the new market environment, the entrepreneurs need the upgrade of their mind, they need a real business school where can teach them the actual experience about the business. Mowen Zhang carefully noticed that what the enterprises needed, that’s why he operated the business school famous for “super combat “, “super-hard work”, which is the outstanding business school among all the others, became the one entrepreneurs first pick. she sincerely hopes that ZMW China-US United Business Institutes become a school build a strong national brand and high return real school.
The new logo of Business School
International well-known enterprises sending congratulatory telegram
Mowen Zhang was working in high and vigorous spirits for twenty years, brand integrated and marketing capabilities growing each day. Till now, the customer service total assets overn10000 billion; at the same time he accumulated gold like brand experience, also created the most marketing investment value platform- ZMW China-US United Business Institutes.
A lot of people said that Mowen Zhang is a marketing genius, but I did not know that except the great achievements he made in the creative, planning, communication, he also has his unique experience on design, the school logo embodies his efforts. In the warm applause, Chen Xuhua, Peng Zhongxin, Mu Hong, Zhou Zhiqiang, Fang Xiaodong, Zhou Jianzhong Zhou Bin, Zhang Mowen jointly opened a red curtain, ZMW China-US United Business Institutes logo officially unveiled! Very bright red and blue color combined Shield logo with “M” and “W” located in the upper left and lower right which is the initials for Mowen. This logo maintaining the visual identity structure balance at the same time keeping mark their identification. The whole design is simple and clear. Under the breathtaking sights and warm applause, the founder Mowen Zhang officially announced the first course of ZMW China-US United Business Institutes officially grand opened. This does not only mean the first global show for ZMW China-US United Business Institutes, buts also mean the new development opportunity of the national business brand education.
For this news, the world's leading entertainment theme parks veteran-Landmark entertainment group, American Oriental Bioengineering Inc AOBO, Chinese Top 500 Tianneng group, Yingxue group, Anji Tea Industry Group, Zhengbao Island Pharmaceutical Group, Shandong Xianglong group, Jiunuo group and other national and international famous enterprises expressed warm congratulations to ZMW China-US United Business Institutes, we believe that ZMW China-US United Business Institutes will be able to give Chinese entrepreneurs more effective marketing guidance, let them truly realized “ lecture 2 hours, develop 3 years faster”. As we know some of the entrepreneurs also came to the class and became the first-course students of the business school.
Mowen Zhang is starting the first brand class
The students of the three major subjects are sobering
New antenna touches Chinese market situation, combat platform to provide the accurate landing marketing. According to the reporter, Mowen Zhang designed the special class of the first course<super brand rising curriculum>, which coving the regional brand bigger and stronger, family business succession, Chinses brand creative those three plates, those three classes are progress one after the other, the rich content has been highly recognized by the students here.
In lesson one<There are no letters on the forehead of the richest man the 10 steps from the regional level boss to the national level boss>, he vividly analyzes the 6 characteristics of the richest man which ordinary people do not have, and use the real case detailed interpretation the 10 steps from the regional boss to the national boss. The penetrating view and the actual combat experience got agreed and meditated by the presence students. The current situation of the small and medium-sized enterprises is a family system business, he pointed out that Chinese family enterprise must attach important Ancient Chinese Literature, attach importance to the national commercial feelings, so as to guarantee the brand leader indestructible in his book< to be in the king's company is tantamount to living with a tiger- The absolute secret of success in Chinese family business>. While, facing the crisis of family enterprise, he deeply explained how profound occupation managers deal with the family business, he analyzed the limitations of the family business deeply. This is an integration of the development of new media and traditional media era, any kind of the brand strategy and creative need outstanding idea. Mowen Zhang pointed out that the person we show our ideas to is important, the sale of advertainment ideas are more important in his book< no blood when you kill, creative needs from the heart -Chinese brand how to win the brand creative battle>. Because creative itself is an activity that 100% complete the marketing success with the opponent, so, he uses his own experience, bringing up 10 creative experience which can sell products. He pointed out the important very sharp and which is the most important for the students. Teacher Zhang’s secret teaching skills made all the students clap hands.
Real combat is the biggest bring spot
students like this valuable class
A class is a success or not depends on the teacher’s own ability and the courseware, the other standard is the harvest values of the students. Students’ personal experience is the inspection standard of the successful of the ZMW China-US United Business Institutes. In order to let the teacher can quickly adjust the rhythm and content of courses, students can express their ideas after each class. During this thirty minutes discuss section a lot of students eager to speak, express their own ideas, the atmosphere is very good.
In 2016, Zhang Mowen Planning Company whole case client who is the executive vice president of Tianneng Group, vice president of Tianneng international dynamic forces, Tianneng dynamic intentional group marketing manager center director Jianzhong Zhou, he did a wonderful speech in the class. He said:” It was not an accident cooperate with Teacher Zhang, Tianneng group did not find a satisfied planner after contact dozens of so-called “planning master”. But Teacher Zhang’s “fast, accurate, firm” and his working style got high recognize by Tianneng group, we got a new high-performance last year. So, we have been looking forward to attending this business class, Zhang’s talent plus Anji’s aura will help more entrepreneurs famous national and worldwide. Lecture 2 hours today, not develop 3 years faster, develop 6 years faster instead.
As the bright younger generation of Anji white tea, Anji Tea industry group Chairman Jian Wu said Jibai Amino acid white tea was created by Teacher Zhang from the very beginning, through the corporate strategy, corporate culture, brand positioning, naming creativity, visual design, channel planning full range of brand communication and promotion the operation, creatively put forward the "white tea amino acid" which is a new category, the Anji white tea category was a great improvement, not only tell consumers of Anji white tea has advantages, it is clear that the development direction of the entire category. He thanked the contribution that Teacher Zhang did to Jibai, Teacher Zhang is the Jibai brand founder. He finally said that very recognized many Teacher Zhang’s points, he will digest the knowledge and apply to his Jibai brand, he believes Jibai will do better.
No matter the opinions from the domestic or the international marketing elite, or the enthusiasm evaluation of the students in the present, all the facts and words prove that ZMW China-US United Business Institutes already became a shining super education brand platform which focuses on the actual market teaching. The successful of the first course indicated that the business school actual carry the "efficient, practical" this banner. I believe that in 2017, ZMW China-US United Business Institutes which is famous for “lecture 2 hours and develop 3 years faster” will train more international vision’s business leader in order to establish a new benchmark for the business education industry, and lead the new domestic meteorological business education industry.
© 2016 张默闻中美联合商学院集团学院地址:浙江省杭州市滨江区滨和路998号中赢国际1301/1302/1303浙ICP备2023015648号-1