

张默闻商学院广告撒下天罗地网 权威主流媒体双线联动火力全开

自张默闻中美联合商学院集团在安吉盛大开课后,得到了社会各界、特别是各行各业企业家朋友的高度认可,大咖学员们纷纷点赞“听课2小时 发展快3年”,评价张默闻这厮的课程就是实战,全程干货。为了让更多的企业家朋友能够分享到张默闻商学院的观点与方法,刚刚参加完中央电视台广告策略顾问会的张默闻这厮,又马不停蹄地当起了空中飞人,正紧锣密鼓地为张默闻中美联合商学院集团的重磅明星课程《张默闻品牌公开课》做准备,415日即将在人间天堂杭州震撼开讲。消息一经发布,便吸引了广大企业家的目光。 


此次张默闻品牌公开课得到了国内众多权威主流媒体的高度支持,并在《广告人》、《中国广告》等业界权威杂志成功上刊,这样的战略布局在业界可谓大手笔。以场景营销为核心,聚焦高端场所,锁定高端客户,实现品牌多维度展示,点面结合,多屏联动,形成海量导流,为张默闻品牌公开课的推广撒下“天罗地网”。 据了解,张默闻商学院的《张默闻品牌公开课》广告已在专业杂志、高铁、户外大牌、写字楼宇等诸多渠道掀起传播攻势。 


牵手高铁传媒  引爆中国市场 








联手户外媒体  多屏联动形成海量导流 






上刊权威杂志 千家网媒掀起传播洪峰 



















听课2小时 发展快3






ZMW China-US United Business Institutes Advertisement Sprinkle the Sky             

Authoritative Mainstream Media Two-line Linkage Full Fire

Since the ZMW China-US United Business Institutes in Anji started lecture, which got a lot high attentions form the society and other entrepreneurs, students said “ lecture 2 hours, develop 3 years faster”. Zhang Mowen’s class is very useful. In order to let more entrepreneurs get to know the concepts and methods, Zhang Mowen just finish participated in the CCTV advertising strategy consultant, he is busy with preparing the star course "Zhang Mowen brand open class" without any stop. The class will held on April 15 in heaven paradise Hangzhou. Once the news release, it attracted the attention of the majority of entrepreneurs.


Hand high-speed rail media detonated the Chinese market

As China's leading city circle media group and large outdoor public communication platform, Yongda media has always focused on the development and expansion of outdoor media, relying on its own media resources, built a high-speed rail, high-speed, urban, travel media, Public media group, to achieve a comprehensive coverage of the mainstream crowd travel.

In Zhang Mowen’s opinion that the brand creative need romantic, media put on need to be mainstream, and Yongda media is the mainstream. ZMW China-US United Business Institutes in the field of brand education as a rising star, need to quickly expand the visibility, get the public recognition, better for the business elite to provide a high-value, practical corporate strategy as a whole strategy to help more Chinese enterprises to achieve super brand.

In early March, Zhang Mowen brand open class advertising has been in the major high-speed rail station, LED media delivery site have been rolled out, Beijing South Railway Station, Futian Station, Guangzhou South Railway Station, Shanghai Station, Shenzhen North Station, Zhongshan Scenic Area and other places, the effect of the promote is very fast. And the cooperation with Yongda Media will make the reputation of ZMW China-US United Business Institutes rise as rapid as the high-speed train. Became the country's well-known business education brand.


Joint outdoor media multi-screen   linkage to form a massive diversion

As China's large-scale outdoor media operators with large-scale and influential media Beijing Wealth Media, has the urban outdoor, high-speed big-name, high-speed rail station, large-scale building, airport big and so on. Spread the value and interactive marketing experience of the outdoor full media network platform. Building large screen now covers the north of Guangzhou and Shenzhen and Wuhan, more than 60 key cities, nearly 5,000 hot buildings marketing scenes, hundreds of thousands of large screens scene marketing network.

Zhang Mowen brand open class advertising has been simultaneously swept Beijing, Fujian, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other high-end buildings nationwide 5000 interactive large screens. Advertising has the significant delivery once it put into the market, consulting phone calls after one another, coupled with the early delivery of high-speed rail, newspapers and other advertising, has formed a three-dimensional communication matrix, greatly enhance the influence of the ZMW China-US United Business Institutes. The victory of ZMW brand opening class has been blowing out. 


Published on the authority of the magazine  network of media set off the peak

Since the beginning of 2017, "AD Men" magazine jointly includes the public portal news and information website, newspaper group website and other thousands of Internet media, over the same period frequently published Zhang Mowen brand open course advertising, explosive advertising coverage also makes " Open class "visibility is increasing.

AD Men culture group has the AD Men magazine, which was founded in 1989, has a strong background, a strong resource platform, the authority of the wisdom of the team, the mainstream of the Council and the editorial board. Since its inception in 1989, the AD Men Magazine from the initial issue of 6000 copies, to the present more than 50,000 volumes, has now become the highly influential and competitive professional publications in China's advertising industry. Has an irreplaceable industry influence in the industry.

The use of its superior industry influence, appeal and resource integration, ZMW China-US United Business Institutes joint the other related industry website for high frequency, a wide range of interactive communication, through the scientific and effective media publishing planning and publishing strategy. Improve the search index and exposure of relevant information, and then improve the audience on the ZMW China-US United Business Institutes of interest and topic discussion, in order to let ZMW China-US United Business Institutes benefit more enterprises, , to develop more business Leading characters, and through practical teaching to promote the Chinese enterprises and the real rise of brand sales.


Although the ZMW China-US United Business Institutes is so new, but the development is really rapid. Facing the challenges of emerging communication situation, ZMW China-US United Business Institutes in the high-speed rail, outdoor, magazines, networks and other media multi-dimensional, wide range of strong spread, made the maximum promotion effect. I believe that the ZMW China-US United Business Institutes will cultivate more global vision and practical ability of high-tech talent for the community and enterprises. 


Change is an unknown adventure

And we turn the risk into insurance

April 15, 2017

The founder of ZMW China-US United Business Institutes Teacher Zhang Mowen

Zhang Mowen is painstaking build first course of the business school

Class start at the most beautiful village in Anji China

Here, we refuse to flicker

The most practical cases, the most systematic course, help enterprise development

To let you achieve

Lecture 2 hours, develop 3 years faster


We believe that in 2017, under the education by Win-Win Alliance International Business School and the ZMW China-US United Business Institutes, there will be a large number of world-class business leaders with global vision and global resource integration, social responsibility and brand innovation.

Want to understand the depth of "Zhang Mowen brand open class", "Zhang Mowen himself taught the brand strategy class"

"Zhang Mowen super president class", "Zhang Mowen business school into the enterprise" and other information, 

Please search for head teacher personal Wechat: zmwmba.


© 2016 张默闻中美联合商学院集团学院地址:浙江省杭州市滨江区滨和路998号中赢国际1301/1302/1303浙ICP备2023015648号-1
